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Join Caterina Banti and Ruggero Tita on a sailing journey, where water meets wind.

“You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there”.

Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull


These words are obviously about flying, but they can easily refer to our sport, sailing, too. More precisely, the most innovative part of it: foiling. Explaining what foiling is to a newbie could be complicated. But if sailing is your life, not only your sport, sharing the way you’re living it could unfold both the meaning and the purpose.

“Foil is a wing underneath the boat – suggests Ruggero Tita, Olympic gold medalist with Caterina Banti in Nacra 17 class  – and it allows you to rise from the water”.

That’s what sailing is all about: rising from the water, flying above it graciously. We are used to considering water as a symbol of stillness, but in fact it’s hard as steel. And its splashes, while sailing, really hurt. Water is thus an element that normally breaks sailors. From which they try to keep away, avoiding the hull to be more submerged than necessary. “In order to do that,” explains Caterina, “we need wind, which means freedom, fear, and firmness.”


In order to fly we need wind, which means freedom, fear, and firmness.


The three F’s determine foiling itself too: being firm enough to face your fears and feeling free. But doing it as a team of two is not an easy task, especially when – as in Ruggero and Caterina case – those two people seem to be very different, such as water and wind.

Ruggero Tita, born in 1992 in Rovereto, Northern Italy, is the analytical mind, much more focused on engineering and control. Caterina Banti, born in Rome in 1987, has a philosophical kind of soul, guided by a humanistic approach. “I’m quite analytical too,” points out Caterina, “although for me control is not a lifestyle but mainly a method. A method I gained during my years as a student, ‘cause I really loved studying and succeeding at school and university.” She graduated very early, gaining the opportunity to access a PhD at the same time she first discovered sailing – “my brother needed a bowman and then I found out that I was good at it, having fun too.” She decided immediately to put her university career aside – “time was by my side indeed, I was very young and believed I could continue studying later on” – and focused on sailing, meeting Ruggero soon after.
“In contrast, I started at a very young age,” he says, “moved by the most adrenaline-filled side of this sport. I also liked the stubbornness you need to put into practice what you learn, for instance in the way you need to take care of the boat.
For this reason, I chose to graduate in engineering”.


I liked the stubbornness you need to put into practice what you learn, for instance in the way you need to take care of the boat. For this reason, I chose to graduate in engineering.  


Being such a complementary couple could be both a strength and a struggle. But they are able to make it work thanks to a magic word that keeps on leading the team on the right path: trust.

Trusting each other is the focal point in sailing: the bowman has to trust the helmsman and vice versa. A synergic work towards a common goal, which is not just victory, but most of all to keep on sailing, finding the perfect balance through body movements. It means nevertheless, being extremely light and leading the boat through the same lightness, flying over water in a hiss.

Plus, a strict connection exists between this kind of movement and one athlete’s life.

“It’s a privilege,” says Caterina. “The luck of doing what you love, dedicating your existence to what you love. Sacrifices need to be understood as choices and compromises, not in a negative way. There is a continuous search for the right balance, in daily life and on the water. So, the question is always the same: when and by how much to exceed the limit?”


There is a continuous search for the right balance, in daily life and on the water. So the question is always the same: when and by how much to exceed the limit?


For Ruggero, the limit is something to challenge in order to find the way of moving forward, or following another path, “always knowing that I had the courage to leave my comfort zone for a while”.

Leaving the comfort zone is thus the main theme, also for other sports that Ruggero loved throughout his life, such as paragliding. “In paragliding – he says – the only element is wind, which is the main element in sailing too: the energy that moves us, from a high pressure area to a low pressure one”.

But then, in sailing, also water counts, with its way of flowing smoothly, as it transforms itself into a force capable of supporting an entire boat. Water is calm and strong at the same time and it’s the field from which the “foiling rocket” launches: the beginning of everything.
Caterina and Ruggero really embody the differences and – most of all – the similarities of these two main characters in sailing: water and wind.

Caterina and Ruggero really embody the differences and – most of all – similarities of these two main characters in sailing: water and wind.  

Both “main” because without one of the two you can’t fly. And we saw how sailing – and foiling in particular – is all about flying: lifting yourself up over things, while observing the world from a privileged perspective.

That privileged perspective, in 2024, will be for Ruggero and Caterina the Olympic Games in Paris.

And they are ready to fly and foil, finding – as Jonathan Livingston Seagull suggested – the “perfect speed of being there”.


Ruggero Tita


  • 1st Nacra 17 Olympics Tokyo 2020
  • 3 times World Champion Nacra 17 (2018, 2022, 2023)
  • 3 times European Champion Nacra 17 (2017, 2018, 2022)
  • European Vice Champion 49er (2011)


  • 2024 Olympics
  • America’s Cup 2024 (Luna Rossa)

Caterina Banti


  • 1st Nacra 17 Olympics Tokyo 2022
  • 3 times World Champion Nacra 17 (2017-2022-2023)
  • 4 times European Champion Nacra 17 (2017-2018-2022)


  • 2024 Olympics
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